Hollaway Studio and local developer Kingston Homes are delighted to share the news that our residential development at land off Station Road in Hythe was approved by majority at the Folkestone & Hythe District Council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday evening.
This high quality contemporary scheme, which is local to our Hythe Studio, is an allocated housing site (Local Plan Policy UA14) and has been carefully designed to respond to the site’s steeply sloping typography and reflects the local vernacular through its use of gabled forms and external materiality – including Kentish ragstone.
The project will deliver a total of 40 properties comprising of 12 apartments and 28 family dwellings in a highly sustainable location within walking distance of Hythe High Street.
The scheme incorporates sustainable technologies – including air source heat pumps, solar PV with battery storage, green roofs and EV car charging – in addition to providing a new pedestrian connection to the existing public right of way (HB22), a play area and enhanced views to the Saltwood and Mill Lease watercourse.
The approval marks a two year journey of dedicated planning and close collaboration with the Council’s Planning Department and extensive public and Hythe Town Council engagement.
We look forward to working with Kingston Homes on the next stage of the project.