As is true of many a high street, the south end of Bromley High Street suffers in the shadow of its older, established brother, the north having traditionally taken more than its fair share of night-time attention. Until now, that is: a truly mixed-use scheme, St Mark’s Square is a multi-screen basement cinema, an 18-storey residential tower, a restaurant and bar quarter, and a 130-bed hotel*.

Developed by U+I, a new landscaped plaza will be created around which the cafés, restaurants and other amenities will be grouped, providing an attractive and well-managed environment for families and groups of friends. A forward-thinking and suitably large urban lifestyle quarter, it’s a wonderful giant, so big, in fact, that in the year it took to excavate the six-storey underground carpark, a truckload of earth left the site every three minutes. As said, a giant – and one that promises great things for Bromley South.
*St Mark’s Square hotel is designed by Studio Egret West